Enjoy free ground shipping with FedEx/UPS throughout the continental US. A delivery signature is not required for ground shipments The carrier will leave the package in the normal delivery place for your address.
If you are purchasing multiple items from different vendors, your order will ship from different warehouses and may ship on different dates. We will email you all the tracking links associated with your shipment once the item ships from the warehouse.
*If your order contains multiple ground shipments, then the items may ship with a Freight carrier based on the number of items and weight.
7-10 days
You can track your order on the order details page.
You can request to cancel your order free of charge within the first 24 hours after your order was submitted. Contact Customer Support within 24 hours by emailing support@casaone.com
You can cancel your order after 24 hours, but fees will be applicable as listed below:
- If your shipment can still be reversed, your order can be canceled but will be subject to a return shipping and restocking fee of 20% of the price of your item.
- If the shipment can no longer be reversed, you will need to refuse the delivery and you will be responsible for all return shipping charges.
Once you've submitted your cancelation request, CasaOne will work with the shipping carrier and vendor to cancel your order. You will be notified of the applicable fees as soon as the information is available.
In case your order has already arrived, the cancelation will be treated as a standard return. Please see our Return Policy for details.
Product Description– Bring a touch of nature into the landscape of your interior with the remarkably crafted Merci end table. Made in Indonesia, this handy piece is comprised of a solid metal frame topped with a unique piece of teak wood. Each table is constructed using the naturally grown trunk of the teak tree, resulting in a truly unique design that is irreplaceable. The Merci will arrive fully assembled and utilizes angled legs for excellent stability and support. Offering handy convenience in a pure, natural design, the Merci end table is a refreshing addition to any space. Due to the nature of the natural materials used in this product, it may have variations in areas such as, but not limited to, size, shape, color, pattern, grain and texture. Small indentations, cracks or scratches are common as each table is crafted by hand using wood, a living material. Each piece is unique and may differ significantly in shape, size, and texture from the images shown. Features–
- Handcrafted by skilled artisans
- Constructed from Teak Root and Iron Metal
- Metal base
- Each table utilizes a different piece of the teak tree and may vary in shape and size
- Angled legs
- Fully assembled
- Made in Indonesia Dimensions– Overall Dimensions: 17.30" High x 17.70" Wide x 17.70" Deep; Base/Legs: 15.70" High;